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7 Best Foods For Emergency Storage

7 Best Foods For Emergency Storage

Most people have limited storage space in their kitchen cupboards, pantry or basement. While the average person probably never makes use of their full storage capacity, we as preparedness-minded people are different in that regard. If you seriously prepare for...

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Solar Power Basics for Preppers

Solar Power Basics for Preppers

Do we even need electricity? Humans have lived and survived for thousands of years without electricity. This means in a grid-down scenario we could just go back to the good old, primitive days and live like our ancestors, right? Wrong. While we are still the same...

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Basics of Aquaponics and Why It Could Save Your Life

Basics of Aquaponics and Why It Could Save Your Life

Here at Climate Preparedness, we are all about finding ways to help us survive and thrive the many problems we will face due to climate change. Food security is one of the main issues here because starvation is a very, very real problem. Wheat, rice, and corn feed the...

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Why Physical Fitness is the #1 Thing Your Survival Depends on!

Why Physical Fitness is the #1 Thing Your Survival Depends on!

It can be difficult to prioritize your focus when preparing. Food, water, shelter… all these things are essential for humans to survive. Nonetheless, I can easily answer when being asked what the single most important thing in prepping is. What’s best about this...

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Top 4 Food Sources for the Coming Climate Crisis

Top 4 Food Sources for the Coming Climate Crisis

The earth continues to heat up faster than ever before in its history. The resulting impacts on our climate put us at an ever-increasing risk of crop failures and food shortages. Several factors come into play here. Check out our post about the necessity of...

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Food Storage – Part 2: How much should you have?

Food Storage – Part 2: How much should you have?

There is a simple answer to this question: As much as you can! I get it, this answer is not really satisfying, so let’s take a closer look at this topic. How much does a person need per day? The average adult needs approximately 2,200 kcal per day. That is when the...

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How to find a Climate Resilient Home

How to find a Climate Resilient Home

I have talked about the concept of strategic relocation before. If you haven’t read that blog post yet you absolutely have to. This is one of the most important concepts to understand and accept! If you have made the decision to move to a different area or country,...

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Food Storage – Part 1: Why it is essential to have one!

Food Storage – Part 1: Why it is essential to have one!

One of the most important things you need to be prepared for an emergency is a solid storage of food. It is true that humans can survive for up to 30 days without any food, but there is a huge difference between surviving and thriving. Especially during challenging...

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Strategic Relocation: You may have to leave everything behind!

Strategic Relocation: You may have to leave everything behind!

This is probably one of the hardest concepts to wrap your head around and accept when it comes to preparing for climate change. It is also one of the most difficult topics for me to write about for this reason. I am talking about strategic relocation. What do I mean...

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Understanding Wet Bulb Temperature and Why It is so Dangerous

Understanding Wet Bulb Temperature and Why It is so Dangerous

Hundreds of millions of people live in a tropical climate near the equator in South/Central America, Africa and Asia. This includes huge countries like Brazil, India, Malaysia and Indonesia. All of these people are in imminent danger from climate change. To understand...

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Deal with your fear and anxiety!

Deal with your fear and anxiety!

Many people who come to this blog have only recently had their eyes opened about what we will be facing in the future. Usually, they are overwhelmed and lost in a feeling of helplessness. If you are among those newcomers and feel overwhelmed or even if you knew what...

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